Related Projects

EU-CHINA-BRIDGE - Building Roadmaps to Industrial Decarbonisation and Green Economy through EU-China Cooperation

EU-CHINA BRIDGE will aid the transition to climate-neutral societies in Europe and China by enhancing knowledge on decarbonizing energy-intensive industries and creating innovative modeling to quantify net-zero pathways. It will engage stakeholders, foster dialogues, and support mutual learning among policymakers, industries, and experts. The project will produce two open-source technology inventories for the iron & steel and chemical industries, implement demonstrations in China, and develop high-resolution emission inventories. A state-of-the-art modeling framework will be created to assess socioeconomic impacts and co-benefits of climate policies, documenting pathways in the I2AM PARIS platform.

Carbon sequestration in BLUe EcoSystems

C-BLUES will advance knowledge of blue carbon ecosystems (BCEs) such as seagrasses, tidal marshes, mangroves, and macroalgae. It aims to: 1) develop scientific knowledge to reduce uncertainty and improve UNFCCC blue carbon reporting, 2) provide input for revising the 2013 IPCC Wetlands Supplement to better include coastal wetlands in GHG inventories, and 3) promote the role of blue carbon in global climate policy with international partners. C-BLUES will produce spatial maps, best practices, quantify carbon sequestration, model GHG budgets, assess management impacts, review legal frameworks, and address integration barriers. Targeting the Atlantic/Arctic, Baltic, North Sea, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Dutch Antilles, and Southern China coast, it will engage stakeholders to disseminate knowledge, raise awareness, and influence climate policy to include BCEs in reporting and management actions.

Spin-off Research Lines


The Global Emission Modeling System (GEMS) was developed by the team from Work Package 1, led by the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech).

Capturing reflexivity and engagement

The project aims to assess the knowledge production surrounding climate justice, the pathways it shapes, and justice itself. Through stakeholder engagement and reflexivity, we explore the complex web of actors involved in decarbonization, including both visible and marginalized groups. A key goal of this process is to recognize and include voices traditionally overlooked in political and scientific discourse.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

List of Publications
